Thursday, February 24, 2011

#134 msg 4 banksters from a keiserist

#134 msg 4 banksters from a keiserist

In my opinion there are 4 kinds of people:

* ones who want to live long and then go to heaven or whatever
* ones who want to live long and then return to the earth
* ones who want to live long and then live some more, etc. and are aware of it
* ones who want to live long and then live some more, etc. and are not aware of it, otherwise known as sociopaths.

The point of all my videos has been to reach out "across the aisle" to these sociopaths who I believe want fountains of youth, not piles of weapons and money and others like them to get more power to get more piles, etc.

I don't reach out to compromise or compromise myself or become one of them or one of their "in crowd" slaves.

I reach out to them because I know they are untreatable but I believe they can become aware of what they really want, more time.

So while we all play "bad cop" in their eyes trying to buy silver and gold, I have done, am doing and will continue to do "good cop" as well and try to get these beyond-repairs to buy more years and decades with their power, and convince them it can only be done with a worldwide effort. How many potential Einsteins never had a chance to blossom due to these power mad mad-men (and a few women)?

Yes, more Einteins could mean inventing more things that could decrease their short-term power, like inventions that compete with their current corporate holdings, but more Einsteins could give them more life which is what I think they really want power for instead of for more things.

Monday, February 21, 2011

#132 u.s. was never meant to be democracy

#132 u.s. was never meant to be democracy

From the beginning third parties were never allowed to get off the ground.

Plurality was never an issue, there would just be a runoff election, never a coalition government as in the the parliamentary countries.

It was most clearly shown in 2000 when Ralph Nader showed up at a debate in Boston of all places, a few blocks from the JFK (President John F. Kennedy library) and was denied entry.

What's happening now with a few thousand mostly white men running the country isn't that different than in 1776 (declaration of independence) or 1789 (constitution ratified).

What's different today is that the world has shrunk with improved communications and transportation, and the planet is in trouble ecologically.

The party's going to be over soon despite how many "oh, maw"'s from the little children, which is what sociopaths are emotionally.

The moms will all say, "Time to go home children."

Sunday, February 20, 2011

wall street biodome to segregate banksters

How about putting all of the Wall Street area under a dome and cutting off communication with the outside world except for medical emergencies that must be handled by a medical staff supervised by an on the scene Keiserite

Saturday, February 19, 2011

#131 if there's no silver shortage then let the UN General Assembly have accounting firms, chosen at random from those all over the world, audit how much silver there is.

#131 if there's no silver shortage then let the UN General Assembly have accounting firms, chosen at random from those all over the world, audit how much silver there is.

I bet the UN Security Council, aka mostly the u.s., would table that in 1 second, less than that if I had a stop watch primed and ready.

The only no shortage is that of u.s. fiat and digital currency, honest u.s. bankers and their friends, elected and appointed government officials, and mainstream media owners, reporters and commentators.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

#130 תנו לפלסטינים ללכת (Let the Palestinians go)

#130 תנו לפלסטינים ללכת (Let the Palestinians go)

And Moses said, "שלח את עמי (Let my people go)" circa 1446 b.c.

And will a Moses 2.0 step up in Israel now say, "תנו לאנשים שלהם ללכת (Let their people go)" approximately 3,457 years later?

#129 b of a raising fees as max predicted

#129 b of a raising fees as max predicted


Subject: b of a raising fees on customers w multiple accounts including credit lines...
Date: February 16, 2011 10:25:14 AM EST


Claiming that there was an error in possibly 150,000 accounts, that many letters were sent out.

When B of A bought out Fleet several years ago, it continued to waive fees for those with equity credit lines by showing them above a minimum for all accounts by adding a line to the list of qualifying accounts and their balances. The line was for "ANNUITY (CREDIT)" and was possibly the only bookkeeping entry they had to make sure fees were waived for these loyal customers that did all their banking at B of A, including equity credit lines.

Now they claim the "annuity" entry was an error implying all these accounts didn't have annuities, which they never did, but were tagged as accounts with annuities. They want more fees on all checking and savings accounts unless certain unless certain minimums are met or, in some cases, direct deposit is used monthly.

Looks like what you said is true about banks making up for losses and/or for more profits by squeezing customers with new and more fees.


SGK (Suicidal Global Kleptocracy): Banks React To New Rules — By Replacing Old Fees With New Ones
January 5th, 2011 by maxkeiser
Banks Considering New Fees On Cards And Checking Accounts
Henry Blodget: GREAT NEWS: Banks Cooking Up New Ways To Screw You

#128 2-16-2011 jp morgan firings

#128 2-16-2011 jp morgan firings

On Wednesdy, February 17, 2011 talked bout some jp morgan layoffs.

I wonder how many potential whistleblowers did they just sack?

jp morgan has so much energy.

If they would only use some of it to get power to get more time instead of more money.

Maybe they are but I think a worldwide effort is needed to increase longevity.

On their death beds they may realize not only that they can't take it with them but that they could have stayed longer if everyone cooperated to work on figuring out how to live longer, as long as everyone got the benefits.


JP Morgan ramps up its assault on capitalism with new electronic finanical terrorism tactics; fires thousands of traders and gives the robots unlimited credit and an open bank line to the Fed
February 16th, 2011 by maxkeiser
JPMorgan Chase Consolidates Trading Platforms to Reduce Costs (

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

#127 if most of grp dead in 5 yrs / max...

#127 if most of grp dead in 5 yrs / max...

referring to Max Keiser's entry in 2011-02-15 with a link to a zerohedge article:

Max said:

Most of the Americans visiting this site today will be dead in five years thanks to Obama’s budget and the kamikaze 1% ruling kleptocrats (is Wall St. nature’s way of getting rid of the American over population problem?)
February 15th, 2011 by maxkeiser

The link ( to the zerohedge article said:

A Disillusioned 99′er Shares His Disappointment With The American Dream, Welcomes Death

(99 is for number of weeks of unemployment benefits that have, are or will be running out)

I say:


Monday, February 14, 2011

#126 defaulting is the default

#126 defaulting is the default

I now think the banksters and their friends are beginning to realize they can't beat China and Russia and Germany with a printing press and will do nothing (the default) and settle for bankruptcy and dollar devaluation, which they hope to benefit from, even at fire sale prices.

But I don't think the rest of the world will give them a pass (e.g. Bush and Switzerland).

Nevertheless, it will be like reinstating high income taxes again but this time for all.

So when dollars are devalued or converted into whatever, people not invested in gold and silver will need help as they do now.

But then those of us with gold and silver can sell some or all of our gold and silver and save at higher interest rates and/or invest in u.s. companies, run in the u.s., producing in the u.s, hiring u.s. workers, companies concerned about worldwide ecologically sustainable market share growth instead of this quarter's profits.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

#125 they just love to attack a specific person without getting specific about what he/she has said or done

#125 they just love to attack a specific person without getting specific about what he/she has said or done

'“It’s a sad day in American history when a one-time conservative/libertarian stalwart has fallen more out of touch with America’s needs for national security then our current socialist presidential regime,” said the group’s national director Jordan Marks.'

Quote from YAF (Young Americans for Freedom), as reported on, Sunday/2/13/2011.

If Ron Paul isn't a conservative/libertarian...

Did anyone hear him and Ralph Nader together on tv and/or a link a few days ago, agreeing about the Fed, but Ron Paul insisting a free enterprise approach had to be taken to health care while Ralph Nader called for a single payer system like most of the other western democracies have?

The only socialism the u.s. has is socialism for the banksters and their corporate and government friends.

#123 ny named empire st 1609 by henry hudson but...

#123 ny named empire st 1609 by henry hudson but...

"In 1784, five years before George Washington was inaugurated in New York City as the first president, he envisioned New York as the 'seat of empire,' thus giving rise to its nickname--the Empire State. New York has completely fulfilled the expectation that Washington expressed to the state's first governor, George Clinton." Quote from Compton's Encyclopedia.

300 years after Hudson's name, many people got enthused about the phrase.

A search Sunday, 2011-02-13 for 1900 "empire state" had about 825,000 results.

4 years later the fed was created.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

#122 Israel, now is the time

#122 Israel, now is the time

I think it's time for Israel to make peace before the middle east can continue to try to do to what the Romans did in 70 A.D.

The u.s. military is formidable but now without Egypt as a buffer state, along with the extreme u.s. financial woes, Israel may end up in the reverse condition that it was in when Egypt accidently helped to create it over 5,000 years ago (as was pointed out by a comment maker in 02-11-2011.

I say instead, as a young grandfather proud of his Jewish heritage once as I was before the 1970's, please give the Palestinians independence now.

What a chance to be proactive for a change at this historic moment in Egypt, the middle east and the rest of the world, starting with Iceland who said "No" to bailouts and now spreading to the middle east.

Allow me to put up the Israeli flag next to the Iceland one off to my right.

Make me proud to be Jewish again during February, 2011.

Friday, February 11, 2011

#122 israel 800lb gorilla in mideast room

#122 israel 800lb gorilla in mideast room

I think it's time for Israel to make peace before the middle east continues to try to do to it what the Romans did in 70 A.D. (the fall of Israel).

u.s. military is formidable but now without Egypt as a buffer state, along with the extreme u.s. financial woes, Israel may end up in the reverse condition that it was in when Egypt accidently helped to create it over 5,000 years ago (as was pointed out by a comment maker in 02-11-2011, commenting on "With democracy breaking out all over the region, will Israel start being less of a douche?
February 11th, 2011 by maxkeiser
Israel Is Feeling Even More Alone)."

I say instead, as a young grandfather proud of his Jewish heritage once as I was before the 1970's, please give the Palestinians independence now.

What a chance to be proactive for a change at this historic moment in Egypt, the middle east and the rest of the world, starting with Iceland who said "No" to bailouts and now spreading to the middle east.

Allow me to put up the Israeli flag next to the Iceland one off to my right.

Make me proud to be Jewish again before March, 2011!

#119 max v mish: conspire or not 2 conspire CRASH JP MORGAN BUY silVer

#119 max v mish: conspire or not 2 conspire CRASH JP MORGAN BUY silVer

Mish put in article linked to on 2/10/2011.

In it he said 3 things:

* there is no conspiracy by the fed and jp morgan and goldman sachs

* before that he said the gop wants fed role to be price stability, not more jobs

* all the fed can do is control short term interest rates, making it incapable of doing either of the 2 other things, much less doing 2 things at once: price stability and more jobs.

THE ARTICLE WAS: Dual Mandates, the Price of Gold, and Tinfoil Hats


Thursday, February 10, 2011

#118 about 2,280,000 search results for "we buy gold"

#118 about 2,280,000 search results for "we buy gold"

There are about 2,280,000 search results for "we buy gold" thursday, 02 10 2011.

There are About 1,040,000 search results for "we buy silver" thursday, 02 10 2011.

Is this a talking point for Max Keiser, Gerald Celente and others the next time they're televised or on the radio?

How about sending emails to:,


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

#116 bp doing well: more offshore rigs coming?

#116 bp doing well: more offshore rigs coming?

Their stock is up and the Saudi's seems down.

Are we being prepared for much more offshore drilling?

Is it nearing the time to back out of the Middle East and go after oil that's more dangerous to the ecology but less dangerous militarily?

The military can then be used to protect the rigs, another boom results and all is forgiven, literally and deficit wise.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

#115 why so many u.s. citizens in denial CRASH JP MORGAN BUY silVer

#115 why so many u.s. citizens in denial CRASH JP MORGAN BUY silVer

The u.s. works for the majority of healthy but unquestioning people raised by healthy but unquestioning parents.

But good luck if you are unhealthy and/or questioning and were raised by parents who were unhealthy and/or questioning.

The move to the suburbs has isolated many of those in denial from the realities of the large minority who don't fit the mold, especially those that are unhealthy and/or had unhealthy parents.

As for the few who question what's going on, I for one run into so many people in denial who just don't get it and won't until a second stock market crash, higher unemployment, lower wages, less benefits and hyperinflation all kick in at about the same time, assuming I'm following and other sites correctly.

#114 cbs news: obama & churchill's bust

#114 cbs news: obama & churchill's bust

Here's what passes for "news" in the mainstream media in these turbulent times:

It seems that the oval office had a bust of WWII's successful British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and newly elected obama had it removed, something about obama's father and colonialism.

CBS news decided this was newsworthy enough to include in their Monday, 02/07/2011 6:30 pm est half-hour minus commercials broadcast to tens of millions of u.s. viewers.

Monday, February 7, 2011

#112 "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one"

#112 "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one"

- Mr. Spock from the movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

What we have now is "the desires of the few or the one outweigh the needs of the many."

Can we even agree that "the needs of the many outweigh the desires of the few or the one?"

If so, can even fair (sociopath-less) competition ever result in the "the needs of the many outweighing the desires of the one or the few?"

I hope so, but don't know, because we've always had to deal with sociopaths.

So we don't really know if we need to compete and/or cooperate synergistically.

To paraphrase Shakespeare, to compete and/or not compete, "that is the question?"

Sunday, February 6, 2011

#113 msg especially to women on the banksters

#113 msg especially to women on the banksters

There's been alot of talk about politicians not having the "male" courage, usually described more colorfully, to stand up to the banksters.

But I think both groups, politicians and banksters, are very sick people, beyond treatment according to my social worker wife. But I don't want them punished, just kept away from the rest of the world in a comfortable place surrounded by healthy security people. Here is where courage comes in, not letting these sociopaths bribe to get what they want, even from behind concrete walls. Besides, they may bribe someone one day and stab her/him in the back the next.

I think most women have more courage then most men, being willing to go through child birth while some men won't even have vasectomies, so I would want lots of women in the security forces. And if these sociopath types are too manipulative to control even behind locked doors, again according to my wife, and must be executed to make society safe, I want a majority of those making these decisions to be women.

Women have been a small minority of the banksters and so have non-white men. Women have put up with a world run mostly by men for tens of thousands of years, often treated as literally a lower class of people. Many women still put up with expectations that they must be beautiful on the outside while men must be on the inside brilliant and/or "successful" in other ways.

I think what Max Keiser is doing is helpful, for the u.s. and for the world. But I would like to see him partner up with more women economists, other experts and "generalists". I'm a male "generalist" looking for women counterparts to help me put what Max is doing into psychological, sociological, philosophical, political, legal and humanist perspective.

I would like Max to choose more well-rounded people for his team. Naturally, I would like to be on the team but I think it has to be more than one person, especially women chosen not for expertise in just a few parts of the entire world, but chosen for their brains and general understanding of the entire world as well as their inner beauty and courage.

#111 sound like similar situation for anyone we all know?

#111 sound like similar situation for anyone we all know?

"There's no escape. You had the world and it closed in on you until there was only Harper (CT, USA). That closed in on you until there was only this room. And this room is closing in on you."

- From the movie "The Stranger", 1946, starring Orson Welles and Edward G. Robinson, directed by Orson Welles

Saturday, February 5, 2011

#109 1 more time: pm not just rocks

#109 1 more time: pm not just rocks

As a commenter on just told me, capitalism is not free enterprise which is making money from goods and/or services. Instead, capitalism is making money from money. Gold and silver reveal, sooner or later, whether making money from money is being abused by printing more money then the economy needs.

That is why gold has been going up for over 10 years. The abuse has increased in the last 10 years and it has continued to catch up with the market despite attempts to keep gold and silver prices down.

The market will allow the abuse and manipulation to continue for only so long until greed and/or fear from sources, other than the abusers and/or manipulators, step in and buy and force the market to "clear" temporarily until the next round of abuse and/or manipulation.

Max and/or commenters, feel free to add your more-than-two-cents.

Friday, February 4, 2011

#107 per Max: higher pm prices takes time

I was looking at the chart for the article linked to for 02/04/2011, "Biggest pump and dump boiler room scamster of tham all" in Max's words.

The chart showed that:

During qe1 the S & P angle up was about 45 degrees and the world was disturbed.

During qe2 the $ & P angle up is just over 45 degrees and more and more countries don't want to deal in u.s. dollars.

The angle can't go any higher than 90 so the fed is running out of qe's to do before we're in a 1920's Germany situation in reverse, where one mark will be worth trillions of dollars.

Long before that lack of practicality will set in - paying in even hundred dollar bills then will be as difficult as paying for everything in pennies now.

Ever been in a store where the person ahead of you paid with a jar full of pennies?

A memorable event for sure.

By the way, I'm seeing alot of comments about silver and gold not rebounding.

Then I remember what Max and others said, that the bankerment is trying to scare you out, that they're propping up the stock market as per above, that volatility increases as the jumps up in prices get bigger.

So chill, and after a while when you sell your gold and silver at $2,000 or $5,000 or even more for ounce of gold, and maybe $500 for ounce silver, get a residence outside the u.s. so you can open a bank account there to convert your u.s. dollars to sounder non-u.s. currencies.

#108 don't want total freedom

#108 don't want total freedom

"Too much of a good thing..."

I don't have the freedom to yell "fire" in a movie theatre.
I don't have the freedom to break other laws.
I don't want the freedom to starve because I can't afford food.
I don't want the freedom to doctor myself because I can't afford a pro.
I don't want the freedom to live on the street because I can't afford a roof.

Please don't buy into the rigged market capitalism folks waving the "freedom" flag.

Please do buy silver and/or gold so we can get the freedoms we need and want.

#105 wrong time 4 capitalism or not debate

#105 wrong time 4 capitalism or not debate

My last video was about this too, referring to an article slamming capitalism, while not considering the overgrown children running the world.

They want us to use our energy to debate the pluses and minuses of both approaches while they stick it to us with a third approach, "rigged markets."

So please concentrate on crashing and crushing them by buying silver and/or gold.

Then we'll try nut-less capitalism since it's already in place, and tweak if it's tweak-able.


But for now, CRASH JP MORGAN, BUY silVer!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

#104 2/3/11, Henry, this is asinine

#104 2/3/11 Henry, this is asinine

Max ix writing about an article in "Only A True Capitalist Could Tolerate Mass Starvation In Order To Sustain His Capitalist Convictions", by
Courtney Comstock Feb. 3, 2011, 11:35 AM

I as commenter said:
"This is no time to be arguing capitalism versus non-capitalism. That’s just what the bankerment wants us to do, get all academic why they print more toilet paper.
I myself have doubts about both capitalism and non-capitalism.

2nd commenter said:
"To blame capitalism for the death of millions is as stupid as to blame socialism for the death of millions, its the insane power mad people that lead that are the cause.
Normal people either under a capitalist/ free enterprise model or a social equity model can live well without damaging each other. We unfortunately allow sociopaths/physcopaths to schmooze their way into power and fck everything up. Take the power out of government and out of the financial world (PM as a the basis) and people will get along."

3rd commenter said:
"Let the political academics on this site pontificate, but it will be the activistas that make the diffference, and who are…..every day, by exchanging confetti for something real.
"Max, bless his little cotton socks, had worked out the achilles heel."

#103 2nd stock mkt crash acid test of keiserism

#103 2nd stock mkt crash acid test of keiserism

Missouri has always been known as the "show me" state.

Sometimes I think most u.s. citizens are from there.

If there is one thing Max Keiser and others in his camp have said loudly and clearly,
it's that this economic position the u.s. banksters are causing is going to lead to a double dip depression (or recession depending on your preference for what to call it).

I don't want it to happen at all, but if it's going to happen, which I also personally think it is, I wish it would happen soon, hopefully expedited by us u.s. and non-u.s. non-banksters buying silver. I'm tired of being lectured to by most of the people I know who are still brain-deadened by the mainstream media.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

#102 revolving super powers or the end of humanity?

#102 revolving super powers or the end of humanity?

China was once a super power many dynasties ago.

Egypt was once a super power thousands of years ago.

Rome was a super power 2000 years ago.

Is history repeating itself?

China's clearly back, Gerald Celente says Italy may have something with non-hot fusion and Egypt controls the Suez Canal.

Britain and the u.s. have had their chance hundreds of years ago, just like the scientist in "Jurassic Park" said the dinosaurs had their chance hundreds of millions of years ago.

So the question for humanity is whether thousands of years or millions of years of the Earth's story is repeating itself?

I hope for the former (yay people!) but I fear the latter (yay some other life form or forms!).

#101 crash 2.0 enough to wake up u.s. citizens? CRASH JP MORGAN BUY silVer

#101 crash 2.0 enough to wake up u.s. citizens? CRASH JP MORGAN BUY silVer

Most u.s. citizens are still asleep, maybe the next crash due any day now and 40%+ real (18%+ fake) unemployment is needed.

Or maybe crash QE3 and crash 3.0 is needed to reach the tipping point of 60%+ (27%+ fake) unemployed.

Or maybe just some old fashioned hyper-inflation will do the trick with just a little bit more abuse by the banksters of the people and Mother Nature.

It's not nice to abuse the people and Mother Nature, especially at the same time.

Central banks in the past didn't have to worry about ecological issues and eventually failed anyway.

Now that they are also faced with a failing environment, they should actually fail more easily.

And maybe they are since for the first time in 3 years Egypt has them afraid.

Fear knows no boundaries, even touches sociopaths.

#100 gold only valuable when too much of a currency

#100 gold only valuable when too much of a currency

Let's be realistic - it's the 21st century.

Anything but digital transactions is too time consuming.

We may use gold and silver for a while but I'm reminded of a tv commercial where a young man picks up an item in a store and pockets it. A voice sounding like it's coming from a sound system says "Thank you Mr. Whatever for your purchase."

Now that's an efficient use of time and I think we're headed that way.

But that doesn't take us off the gold standard, nothing can.

One way or another, the value of a currency will come through when the market reports its price per ounce of gold.

If there's too much currency doing nothing then it will find its way to gold.

If there's too little currency doing nothing then less will find its way to gold.

Manipulate it by flooding the market with it, it doesn't matter, currency doing nothing will go after it.

And there's only currency with lots of it doing nothing, especially not being used to boost productivity like the also overly plentiful Chinese yuan, and that's the U.S. dollar.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

#99 gold std only true law of economics

#99 gold std only true law of economics

You can run and hide but you can’t escape the gold standard.

You can manipulate and censor but it always emerges, exposing the weaknesses in and proclaiming the strengths of all currencies.

It is the only true law of economics.

The more each country has the better it looks for each country but being honest about how much currency it has is most important for each country - I'd rather deal with a country with one ounce of gold that says it must devalue its currency to optimize economic performance and then devalues its currency to a trillion pieces of paper per ounce of gold, then a country with all the rest of the gold that says it doesn't have to devalue at all and then does so anyway from 1 piece of paper per ounce of gold to 1 plus 1 trillioneth pieces of paper per ounce of gold.

#98 wall st afraid after egypt CRASH JP MORGAN BUY silVer

#98 wall st afraid after egypt CRASH JP MORGAN BUY silVer

Well, a normal person would know that if you never service a car that sooner or later it's going to break down, one way or another.

Yet it comes as a surprise to Wall Street that things aren't going exactly as planned.

A car has thousands of parts.

Earth has billions of people, hundreds of countries and cultures.

The only surprise for normal people is when we're not surprised, which isn't very often.

Einsteins said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

I'm beginning to think the definition of sociopathy is doing different things each time and expecting the same result.

Each country is different. Expecting each to act the same way is, for lack of a better word, crazy.

First there was Iceland to say "no", then Tunisia, now Egypt. Who's going to be next?

Yes, definitely let's have a QE3, speed up the process, get it over with, and think of the bankerment only as a bad memory.

"the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one"

"the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one"

- Mr. Spock from the movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

We need to agree on some definitions before we can discuss what's going on in the world, much less what to do about it.

What we have now is "the desires of the few or the one outweigh the needs of the many."

Can we even agree that "the needs of the many outweigh the desires of the few or the one?"

If so, can even fair (sociopath-less) competition ever result in the "the needs of the many outweighing the desires of the one or the few?"

I hope so, but don't know, because we've always had to deal with the sociopaths.

So we don't really know if we need to compete and/or cooperate synergistically.

To paraphrase Shakespeare, to compete and/or not compete, "that is the question?"

Monday, January 31, 2011

the other kind of globalist

the other kind of globalist

There's the bankerment that want to run the world's people.

There's also people like Max Keiser and myself who want the world's people to run things DIRECTLY.

You all hear Max, he's as American as can be, but believes we need the world's people at the helm.

Me to.

Keep the borders or screw the borders, it doesn't really matter.

I now show the Icelandic flag, not because I want to be an Icelander, but because Iceland stood up to the INTERNATIONAL bankerment.

That's what I'm asking you, Max's audience to do, leave the u.s. with me and help to suck the brains right out of the beast.

The bankers can't get along without educated and talented people to keep their computers and offices running.

So join me in leaving the u.s., like Max did years ago.

Help me get enough for apartment buildings outside the u.s., investments that will benefit the countries that get us as well as us.

I don't care about age or class, contribute what you can and let's "get the hell out of Dodge" as soon as possible.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

#93 egypt web outage consequences

#93 egypt web outage consequences

Some special internet users are not going to accept the Egyptian internet blackout without a response.

Bank of America got hit for one day after Wikileaks went down.

The Egyptian shutoff could result in an equal reaction from those in the the world internet community who have the skills to do something about corporate and government sites world-wide, maybe even starting in Egypt.

One thing I learned from being a programmer is that everything must be just right for an automated system to run.

Computers don't understand shades of gray, only black and white, on and off, binary 1 and 0, digital combinations of binary 1's and 0's that must be 100% accurate, not even 99.999999 percent will cut it.

One 0 where a 1 should be, or vice versa, and things could stop all over the world.

Then it becomes looking for a needle in a hay stack to find that one "bit" of information, that one switch that is turned off or on, the opposite of what it should be to get things running again.

Egypt, please turn the internet back on before some people turn the rest of your and/or the world's computer systems off.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

#92 pgmr may do a wikileak-pvt-manning reversed

#92 pgmr may do a wikileak-pvt-manning reversed

It will be the opposite of information leaking, i.e. information constipation.

And it won't be someone like Private Manning but a person more educated and with change access to actual computer code and maybe even change access to financial data.

It always comes down to who will NOT side against other citizens, and not necessarily how many.

And what Private Manning did was to help reveal just how much unlike most citizens these executives are, especially when it comes to having way too little empathy and way too much insanity.

b of a intermittent outages 12/27/2010 due to hacktivist grp Anonymous

Targeted by ‘Anonymous,’ Bank of America website sees intermittent outages

By Stephen C. Webster
Monday, December 27th, 2010 -- 2:45 pm
Stumble This!

The website of America's largest bank appeared to be suffering sporadic downtime on Monday afternoon amid a flurry of voluntary distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks from "hacktivist" group "Anonymous."

While the site was still available at time of this story's publication, reports were surfacing across Twitter noting infrequent outages. Raw Story was able to confirm, via two third party website verification services, the site's technical difficulties on Monday (with screenshots here and here).

Greg Mitchell, who pens The Nation's media blog, also noted sporadic outages on Bank of America's domain.

"Anonymous" had declared a cyber war against Bank of America over its refusal to process payments for secrets outlet WikiLeaks, which had claimed it possessed a large trove of files from a hard drive belonging to one of the bank's executives. Other groups recently targeted for voluntary DDoS attacks included PayPal's blog, MasterCard Worldwide, Visa and Swiss bank PostFinance.

The attacks were a response to the financial community's decision to stop serving funds to WikiLeaks. PayPal, MasterCard and Visa have all suspended their business with the site.

While prior efforts by "Anonymous" were successful in causing service interruptions at MasterCard and PostFinance, other attacks against -- which kicked WikiLeaks off its servers -- and Twitter -- which banned an "Anonymous Operations" account for its participation in the campaign -- ended in failure with the sites still online.

Other sites, such as those for Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, were also recently targeted and subsequently went offline under a barrage of Internet traffic.

While much of the international press characterizes the efforts of "Anonymous" as "hacking," use of the term appears to reflect a mis-perception of reality, according to Evgeny Morozov, who wrote recently in Foreign Policy that voluntary DDoS networks actually represent the next generation sit-in protest.

"[Both] aim at briefly disrupting a service or an institution in order to make a point," he opined. "As long as we don't criminalize all sit-ins, I don't think we should aim at criminalizing all DDoS."

The New York Times, in an editorial published Saturday, argued that the world's largest financial institutions lining up against WikiLeaks posed a disturbing problem.

"What would happen if a clutch of big banks decided that a particularly irksome blogger or other organization was 'too risky'?" they asked. "What if they decided — one by one — to shut down financial access to a newspaper that was about to reveal irksome truths about their operations? This decision should not be left solely up to business-as-usual among the banks."

#91 banksters done, days numbered

#91 banksters done, days numbered

When they got together in 1913 to take over more of the world at any cost, starting with the creation of the Fed in the U.S., the banksters and their friends didn't count on computers.

Today they're totally dependent on Information Technology (IT) people, like I once was in a very small and limited way as a business applications programmer, to keep the computers improving, running and doing what the banksters want them to do.

Until they can get robots with enough artificial intelligence to create better and better versions of themselves, all the things highly intelligent mathematically and scientifically, highly educated (some at MIT), highly experienced IT people do, the banksters are through, as soon as enough IT people get fed up and turn on them.

The truth is, banksters need IT people more than IT people need them!

The days of the banksters are numbered and they should turn themselves and their assets in and beg for mercy, since after all, they are insane.

Friday, January 28, 2011

#89 pgmrs run world

#89 pgmrs run the world

I don't have any power anymore but others do to tell their banker/corporate/government bosses worldwide to stop the insanity now.

For example:

*all governments will put in permanent progressive negative income taxes immediately to get everyone on the planet 50% above local but reasonable poverty lines.

*all multi-millionaires worldwide will start paying a permanent flat rate income tax of 50%.

*all billionaires worldwide will pay a flat 50% tax on their net assets every year until all deficits are gone.

*the percentages will go up if they are inadequate to the task.

This is just a suggestion.

#88 move away fr cobol weak link

#88 move away fr cobol weak link

The business world moved away from COmmon Business-Oriented Language (COBOL) about 10 years ago and this is a weak link in the armor of banks and other corporations.

With COBOL an applications programmers could speak directly with business people and use COBOL code in the discussion since it is very close to English.

Now the languages used, primarily to increase computer processing speed, result in a situation like programming in a foreign language, and business people have no idea what's going on in the code.

This makes bankers and other corporations very vulnerable to program errors (both intended and unintended) and very dependent on applications programmers.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

#87 jamie & all the other little children

#87 jamie & all the other little children

There used to be a commercial on tv about how drunk driving turned drivers into little children who stood on the driver's seat due to lack of height, nothing left to do but steer their cars with crazed expressions on their faces.

That's what we have now in the global economy vehicles, mostly "mad" with greed little white boys behind the wheels.

They are smart enough to keep the doors locked but not mature enough to keep their little joy rides lasting forever.

The crashes keep coming and the body shop is running out of paper to patch up the cars.

And hopefully they'll soon be housed in places with little boys rooms, figuratively
of course, because they need room to roam as all permanently sick children and lower animals do.

Maybe we'll put them all on a dude ranch and they can drive cattle instead of the cars with the world's economic engines.

#86 silver/gold "rubber balls"

#86 silver/gold "rubber balls"

Refer to

"... Gold remains in explosive mode. What the cabal is doing can be compared to a kid trying to keep a rubber ball under water. It won’t work for any length of time. There is too much pressure for the price to rise, and to do so substantially."

I think this still applies over five years later. It's like the banksters try to keep the open-market gold and silver balls down by covering them with their hidden and/or borrowed and/or leased and/or bought and/or manufactured-by-computers temporary-and-then-disappearing-sell-orders gold and silver balls, but the open-market balls keep rising back to the top.

And I think the "crash jp morgan buy silver" campaign has caused the open-market silver and gold rubber balls to increase in size, making it even harder to keep them down.

So please keep on buying silver and gold so that when they bounce back they'll be even bigger and harder to keep down. They're so cheap right now so buying now means more gold and silver in the open-market later, meaning more gold and silver to be multiplied by the inevitable much higher prices due to tens of trillions of more dollars being printed and/or digitally created.

#86 gerald celente; new energy revolution

#86 gerald celente; new energy revolution

I don't doubt for a minute his claim for invention(s) as big as the wheel.

I had a friend in the 1990's who coud generate electricity from a chemical reaction.

I personally saw it work - continuous never-ending electricity from a device smaller then a car battery.

But no one with any clout would listen.

The patent for it and other energy sources are probably sitting in a safe somewhere in an Oil Company's headquarters, gathering dust.

I think these locked up inventions are going to literally be exposed to the light of day soon since patents are only good for seven years.

I sure hope so.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

#84 fr fixed to var rate gold std

#84 fr fixed to var rate gold std

All we did in 1971 was go from a fixed rate gold standard that wasn't manipulated to a variable rate gold standard that was and still is.

We could have chosen to stay at 1/35 ounce of gold per dollar but that would have made manipulation more difficult since derivatives couldn't be used. I don't even want to speculate how manipulation could have been done on a fixed gold standard because I don't want to give anybody any ideas.

So again I repeat, for the third time, we never went off the gold standard because we can't, it's almost a law of nature. We just went from one kind to another making possible flooding the market with gold bought with deficit spending or manufactured out of thin air with fake computer generated sells that appeared and then disappeared, and then selling short.

Once we flush all the whackos out of the system and into mental institutions for the criminally insane we must still use a variable gold standard, but one that is approved by the people in a referendum when the government is convinced that more or less fiat currency is needed to optimize the economy.

That's how important this is. Instead of a fixed referendum every 2 years, we must have variable referendums whenever they're needed, opening, by the way, the door to direct democracy.

#83 experts & generalists

#83 experts & generalists

Max Keiser is a macro economics expert working overtime to become a generalist.

I am a generalist working overtime to become a macro economics expert.

Together people like us, maybe not me specifically, definitely Max specifically, just might be able to make things better.

I myself didn't want to get caught up in a historical struggle, but neither did my father and mother before me when faced with the mild-by-comparison depression of the 1930's and the biggest war ever, WWII, in the 1940's, and neither did all four of my grandparents when they felt they had to leave Eastern Europe and head for the U.S.

So here I am, stuck in history, trying to contribute.

All I'm trying to say here is that experts need generalists and vice versa. I would think Max has the equivalent of a phd in Economics and should be called Dr Max. Stcey has reached the same level in journalism. I hope Dr. Max finds the best possible generalist to complete, in my opinion, his team of Dr. Stacey and himself.

#82 doctors: use your pwr to ck out big bankers CRASH JP MORGAN BUY silVer

#82 doctors: use your pwr to ck out big bankers CRASH JP MORGAN BUY silVer

Doctors, I know you're doing ok financially, but how many of you made $44,000,000+ like CEO Jamie Dimon of J. P. Morgan?

You have the power to take people like "little" Jamie off the streets.

More and more people think these bankers are psychopaths and/or socipaths who should have the responsibilities of pre-kindergarden children.

There are even internet sites about it: and and

A frequent commenter turned me onto these sites. Refer to:

where he said:

People not math inclined, knowing little about economics, and how fraud is committed without getting caught, can be overwhelmed by details. The details can also hide the cause of the crises. PSYCHOPATHS!

People need to go after the psychopaths! Everything else is secondary. Mental health professionals can reveal them. Technology advances can actually reveal them and measure the dysfunction in their brain functions compared to healthy people. They can be removed from their positions in the central banks, governments, and finance. They can be isolated. Treated. Do this, and the insanity in the world STOPS! Not years later, but immediately.

“..organizations can become infested with psychopathic personality types who, if given the proper amount of time and growing conditions, will busily fill all positions of power within it. In the case of governments, what emerges is defined as a pathocracy: tyranny at the hand of psychopaths. Lobaczewski defined governance by a pathocracy as a macrosocial disease, something unhealthy and brutally deadly if untreated.”

Alex Jones started the You Are the Resistance, V for Victory, Against the Occupation.

But he is leaving out the catrch phrase that brings it all together.


Monday, January 24, 2011

a tale of 2 countries

a tale of 2 countries

1. Somewhere in extreme southern suburban Ontario in the late 1990's or before 2002:

It's the middle of the night and I used to like to drive all night sometimes and I needed gas. After pumping my own gas I headed towards the convenience store where an elderly woman was minding the gas station and store, all by herself. There was no plexiglas window or swing out drawer to exchange goods for currency between us. There was no restricted access of any kind to the inside of the store.

2. A clean and prosperous, and "safe" looking suburb somewhere in New England, 1-2011, a town formerly used to mild winters (thirties, forties and fifties (fahrenheit) and little snow:

A woman and two small children are walking after dark in twenty degree (fahrenheit) weather, no place within blocks to warm up. There had been around ten inches of snow recently, but the sidewalks had been ploughed by the town since the location is near the center of town, but walking was slow and cumbersome.

A few days later a woman carrying a baby is walking on the edge of a four lane highway not near the center of town, the sidewalks covered with three to four feet of snow from ploughing of only the highway, the temperature was just above zero (fahrenheit), no place within a half a mile to warm up.

And this is before the town exhausts its snow ploughing budget.



The banksters keep kicking the ever growing can down the road with bailouts by sticking a foot out from a door in their limousine moving in front of a family sedan which is the part of the U.S., still merrily moving along according to their point of view and the mainstream media blasting on the car radio.

The banksters keep trying to put off what clearly is going to happen because they know the ever expanding in size and weight can is filled with tire shredding nails of debt that will flatten the sedan's dollar thin tires.

Once this happens the rest of the world will decide what tires to put on the sedan, tires partially made of gold and other currencies, but not dollars.

The limousine will need gas but the world won't take its dollars and it will be abandoned.

Its occupants will scream for help but nobody will hear because the world will have moved on, first those in the foreign country limos and family sedans, followed by people on foot, those in the U.S. and other countries without much (twenty something percent and rising in the U.S.), followed by many persons on foot or hobbling or crawling, most without shoes, the overwhelming majority of the rest of the people in the world.

Saturday, January 22, 2011



1. People racing up to red lights in big SUV's with big engines, wasting fuel and prematurely wearing out brake linings.
2. Municipalities setting traffic controlled lights to stay red longer wasting fuel, I guess hoping for more local fuel purchases to increase their tax revenues.
3. Fast food restaurants cutting back on and speeding up labor to increase short term profits to the point of customers walking out before being served which is not good for long term market share growth. Also, more mistakes are being made and running in a restaurant is very unsafe due to the potential of food and/or water spills.
4. People that are working and getting raises each year acting like the "recession" is over, it was government's fault, and it's time to cut off unemployment benefits to get people to take "all" the jobs that are out there, knowing of course that they don't have to take any of these jobs, like stocking at Wal-Mart in the middle of the night or running on greasy fast food restaurant floors while on a 3.0 (2.5 for "drive-thru")minute clock for completing each customer order.
5. "Cash for gold" signs everywhere, even private residences on busy streets.



Everything depends on computers. When something goes wrong programmers get called. AMOCO (American Oil Company, the one with a torch for a symbol), which is now part of (BP) British Petroleum, used to put me in a hotel in downtown Chicago at the end of the year just to make sure someone was close by if one or more of my business application programs had problems.

Now alot of this work is outsourced to countries like India. Is everybody in India happy with the U.S.?

How long do you think anyone with other kinds of power (economic, military, governmental) could get by if the programmers get fed up?

I'm retired and not up on current computer programming, but I can tell you, after 25 years of experience, that the big banks and their friends better hope a few key operating systems programmers (systems programmers who support the programs that keep computers themselves running and are the key source of hackers) and few key applications programmers (programmers who get the computers to do business things and fix the business programming code when there are problems) don't get tired of seeing the world raped, along with some of them due to worrying about getting laid off when their jobs are outsourced or automated or they are threatened.

The banksters are done as soon as this group wakes up and realizes they may be doing well today but will have no future as soon as the banksters can figure out how to do without them, either through outsourcing and/or artificial intelligence and/or just scaring and threatening programmers like some say the banksters have done with the U.S. president and congress and appointees, as well as government officials in other countries.

Friday, January 21, 2011

#74 bankers forget military trumps economic

#74 bankers forget military trumps economic

Some say the president is scared the banksters will have him killed.

Others say he's just waiting out his term to go work for them.

Looks like the 2nd to me.

Prove me wrong Commander-in-chief and go after the banksters.

I think your military subordinates will follow your commands.

Consider the banksters enemies of the state and you can even go after them inside the U.S.

"Posse Comitatus" only prevents the military from domestic law enforcement, not going after the insurrection, acts of revolting against civil authority or an established government, of the banksters and their friends.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

#73 overpopulation worst supply & demand issue

#73 overpopulation worst supply & demand issue

We need to have fewer children worldwide until the total population at least levels off.

Hello, China, with the most people, is running out of water, what a surprise, regardless of China's terrain.

This message needs to be passed on in all ways and in all languages.

Positive results will be immediate, with less resources needed for young families and older families that help young families, and vice versa.

In the long run there will be more demand for labor as its numbers drop.

Taking it to the extreme, if there was just Jamie Dimon and me in the world, I would keep him on a short leash, literally.

It's easier to control the sociopaths when there's less of them, even if there's less of everybody else.

The biggest obstacle is the argument to have many children to be taken care of in old age.

But the problems caused by too many people worldwide is far worse then the problems of elderly parents, who can't expect much from their children who are overworked and/or half-starved and/or ill from the toll overpopulation is taking on the environment.

So, message to the world, buy silver and have fewer children.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

sociopaths have 2 b stopped as kids

sociopaths have 2 b stopped as kids

We're still not learning the right lessons from history.

Moms and dads, I know how hard hard it is, but sick kids have to be treated early in life. Whether it's physical or mental makes no difference.

Whether it's a general hospital for physical ailments or a mental hospital for mental disease, it makes no difference.

Whether you're the father and mother of a future janitor or a future Jamie Dimon, it makes no difference.

You wouldn't hesitate to put your physically diseased child in a non-mental hospital.

You must do the same for mental illness as well.

Here is where we do need a new law and it must be enforced or this same kind of mess will keep on happening.

Parental rights are not absolute.

Every child must be screened thoroughly, and those that need hospitalization must get it.

No amount of Libertarian protest can change scientific law - some sick people need to be hospitalized for life.

Who decides? We better figure thay out quickly quickly because there's more out there like little Jamie.

Yes, Jamie is little, he never grew up, sociopaths never do.

Healthy adults don't take down billions of people to seek absolute power, followed by eventually getting old and dying.

Healthy adults do their best to live up to their potentials while they're here.

to all democratic and republican elected and appointed officials

Some speculate you're afraid the bankers will kill you unless you keep bailing them

A hundred years from now it won't matter as far as you're concerned.

But lots of people are suffering today because of your inaction.

And maybe we could all live longer if we worked together to arrest these mostly guys and institutionalize them for life, then work together to live longer.

It's risky, they could have contracts out for you that are triggered if anything happens to them.

But if you're not up to your jobs then resign and go home.

We'll start all over with special elections using only independent candidates.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011



Some of us listen to Max about gold and silver.

I have observed he lives in France now.

I'm listening to that ACTION along with his gold and silver talk.

I suggest some of us pool our resources and do the same by buying an apartment building, in case we end up as just neighbors as opposed to friends.

Unless everyone else disagrees or can do it on their own, please email me at


Monday, January 17, 2011

$ rises/falls w u.s. mood swings CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER

$ rises/falls w u.s. mood swings CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER

Some of those commenting on today, Monday, January 17, 2011 were concerned about the dip in gold and silver prices.

Most U.S. citizens follow only the mainstream media which means hearing about the bullish stock market every day, but going to the gas pump every few days. This causes mood swings which show up in the prices of gold and silver as people move back and forth from equities to gold and silver. People drive a little less during the winter months so gold and silver are down.

I bet if everyone who owned alot of stock went to the pump on the same day, the Dow would rise and fall sharply every week.

Remember, most well off people choose to drive and show off their luxury cars, but find themselves needing to stop and refuel often due to the 20- miles per gallon most big luxury SUV's get.

I think the stronger dollar right now is totally psychological if you discount the manipulation of gold and silver. Gold is partially psychological too, except that it is durable, liquid and scarce (gold isn't increasing in quantity as much as dollars are (talk about understatements)). We know there's about 2 olympic swimming pools of gold - maybe new discoveries will lead to the building of a third pool some day.

By the way, can anybody tell me how many olympic swimming pools of silver there are?

Some people are saying gold and silver will rally in the spring, but so will automobile use and thus gas station stops.

So wait until March to buy gold and silver or don't, but try to remember that this is about continually adding to the supply of already too many dollars, not the prices of gold and silver.

In the long run it just doesn't matter - unless currencies better than them come along, if ever, gold and silver have to go up along with more and more dollars, even with manipulation - it's simple arithmetic.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ellen Brown again ignores silver & gold measuring currency value

Ellen Brown again ignores silver & gold measuring currency value

Please refer to Ellen Brown's article linked to 01/16/2011:

If we listen to Ellen Brown then it's government ownership of the central bank that is what is needed, for example in North Dakota and Australia. That is of course if you have people involved who believe in enlightened self-interest as she pointed out. But what happens if we do that in the U.S. and Jamie Dimon moves from J. P. Morgan to the new "publicly" owned bank?

People, people, people.

It's about people.

It's about psychology and other things too, not just economics and political philosophy.

As some say, "graduate students learn more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing." One might also say this about some experts.

The University of Iowa didn't give me a Phi Beta Kappa key because I was an expert at anything. They gave it to me because I was good in many areas and learned alot about many subjects, and could bring them all together to get a more realistic picture of what's going on.

The mess the world is in is not about economic systems or political philosophies or individual people or social groups or history or mathematics or the physical sciences or psychology or ethics or creativity or motivation or fear or greed or hope or mental illness or good versus evil or our awareness of our own mortality or our denial of our own mortality or our subconscious desire for more time substituted by a desire for more things.

The mess involves all these subjects.

And it takes a generalist to see the whole of what's happening.

Max Keiser comes very close to seeing the whole, as I think I do.

What do others think?

grp-expatriation & buy silver & gold

grp-expatriation & buy silver & gold

Most U.S. citizens still listen to the mainstream media. They actually believe Obama care will be improved to cover the uninsured and seniors who will lose their doctors due to 25% decreases in fees, not to mention the flood of new patients in the 50,000,000+ uninsured group. Ain't gonna happen. It's classic divide and conquer. Seniors versus the uninsured is part of the "final solution."

People, especially Max Keiser, have tried to break through w limited success.

It's time to plan on like minded people to leave the U.S. by using our silver & gold wealth together in groups to buy apartment buildings.

Some family units and/or friends can't afford to leave on their own, but groups big enough to buy larger places can.

Please email me at and we'll talk about it, via email to start.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

1 other thing we can do besides buying silver & gold...

1 other thing we can do besides buying silver & gold...


Those who might be interested just give me your email addresses for now.

We'll talk about it via email.

once again max restates point is value of $, not gold price

once again max restates point is value of $, not gold price

On 01/14/2011, on there was a link to the article "Zombie Money Kills Real People":

One more time, Max pointed out that this is not about the price of gold but the value of the dollar, about 1/1350th of an ounce.

Once the $ is shunned by everyone else but people stuck in the U.S., lots of dollars will return to the U.S. through sales of normally unwanted U.S. goods in order to cut losses, increasing "velocity", and then the value of the dollar will really sink.

The U.S. charts for gold and silver will look more like hockey pucks then the charts for other currencies. They look like the U.S. charts currently, due to manipulation by guess who, J. P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs.

fed: prt $ faster, awaken U.S., it's up 2 u

fed: prt $ faster, awaken U.S., it's up 2 u

Talk is not cheap, ask Wikileakia's Assange.

But sometime what I call the "Pearl Harbor Syndrome" is needed.

Well, I think we're very close to another "day that will live in infamy."

Either March, 2011 when the debt ceiling has to be raised or when silver and gold break free again, and the rest of the world says "Enough."

Not to U.S. citizens but to the U.S. global banking slave drivers and their DC and corporate buddies.

American officials and some corporate executives will simply be taken out of the international loop, their trades not accepted, their calls not answered, their passports rejected, their diplomatic immunity revoked, their "bailouts" and fiat currency refused, their assets seized, class action lawsuits filed by many wronged nations.

Economic and political walls will form around several banks and corporations.

Their reputations and influence will be shattered beyond repair.

Friday, January 14, 2011

my inexpensive gloves are coming off CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER

my inexpensive gloves are coming off CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER

The key word is humanism. There can never be humanism of any kind until all the sociopaths are politically castrated. To me humanism was best defined by Marx (of all people), "To each person according to his needs..." Until the U.S. died in 2008, this statement was always in contention by some people blaming government when programs for basic needs didn't work perfectly. Behinds the scenes the banksters and their friends did whatever they could do to make these programs fail by making them inefficient and underfunded, or just not spending what funds were allocated. Government was the willing scapegoat with the revolving door for banksters and other big corporation executives to take government top jobs and the elected and appointed government officials to take top private sector jobs.

This led to extreme luxuries for a few and many luxuries for the jealous middle class, aggravated by Madison Avenue advertisers. The result was not giving millions things they need, little things like a living wage, health care, and safe products (e.g. the General Motors Chevrolet Corvair exposed in Ralph Nader's book "Unsafe at Any Speed" (by the way I drove a Corvair once and almost "lost it" on a simple low speed right turn under ideal road and weather conditions)).

After 2008, the expensive gloves came off and the hyper-sociopaths running most of the world decided that wasn't enough. They set their sites on the entire planet. If not for a few countries like China, Russia, Germany, Brazil and Iceland, and a few people, the most vocal being Max Keiser, the "hypers" would have no chance of losing. I still wouldn't bet against them if I didn't have to, for they have no use for the rest of humanity. They are currently doing a "final solution" on all people everywhere in the world not needed to service and/or protect their extreme lifestyles.

Some people like Max and a few others say the only way to to crack these nuts is by buying silver and gold because they are currencies as well as commodities, that they eventually, despite manipulation, measure economic health exposing economic illness. I hope Max and the others are right "cause buying silver and gold is what I'm doin'.

"... the sole authentic money is that based upon gold. All other money is only a substitute." CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER

"... the sole authentic money is that based upon gold. All other money is only a substitute." CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER


"The raising of the productivity of labour and bettering of the quality of its products is quite unattainable without an accurate measure freely penetrating into all the cells of industry -- that is without a stable unit of currency.

Hence it is clear that in the transitional economy, as also under capitalism, the sole authentic money is that based upon gold. All other money is only a substitute.

From "The Revolution Betrayed" by Leon Trotsky (1936)

Seems like everyone, left, right and center, is on the gold band wagon, except the straightjacket-able banksters and their public and private friends and servants.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

max keiser bridge 2 to justice 4 most people CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER

max keiser bridge 2 to justice 4 most people CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER

People everywhere need to listen to what Max is saying as a means to stop the few at the top from taking over most of the world.

At this point it really doesn't matter what comes next. A person drowning isn't thinking about what's he going to do afterwords. People in countries drowning in debt shouldn't be thinking about what to do after they save themselves.

Max says buy silver and gold, get wealth for yourself and bankrupt those trying to grab everything for themselves by hiding their counterfeiting, manipulating the pries of silver and gold to keep them low to hide their gross overprinting of paper currency.

Iceland said no to bailouts. If the rest of the struggling countries' leaders won't do the same, enough individuals worldwide owning silver and gold will bankrupt the currency counterfeiters into oblivion.


eco problem is lunitics (not system or cycles) CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER

I remember the movie "Boys From Brazil". Dozens of Hitler clones were created, several whom were met by the nazi hunter character in the film. It was clear to me, and I hope to others, that there was something terribly wrong with these boys, even though they were still pre-teens. But they were all out there in the community doing and going to do whatever they want, no matter the consequences.

Similarly, there are some very sick people walking around in societies all over the world, who will sooner or later do whatever they want, no matter who or how many it hurts.

I think we need to identify these potential major sickos while they're still children and isolate them from the rest of us before they become banksters, serial-killers, political assassins, career criminals (white and blue collar), corrupt public officials like some politicians, police and soldiers, people who can be bought off regardless of the resulting consequences of their actions.

Remember in the legend of "Robin Hood", the system didn't change and things didn't change economically thanks to a de facto gold standard, just its leaders changed from the heavy duty whacko Prince John and his sheriff to Robin and King Richard the "lion hearted".

So is it just a matter of who's in the game instead of the kind of economic system and the economy's ups and downs? Does every society need to recognize and isolate, early during their lives, the extreme sickos and whackos?

Monday, January 10, 2011

million viewer+ networks rating obsessed so please do vids

million viewer+ networks rating obsessed so please do vids

Please do videos for Max so he can get on the evening news.

He'll take it from there.

I don't always understand what he's saying fully except that people all over the world must buy silver and/or gold because of their rarity and their history as currency. When the people own the silver and gold the world will know that the line has been crossed between responsible printing and counterfeiting.

Even baby Rothchilds start off as victims

Even baby Rothchilds start off as victims

They are taught as young as possible that they're superior.

They are encouraged not to sympathize for their "inferiors" but to use them to get more, always more.

I consider such persons not only victims but severe victims, likely to turn into perpetrators that create more victims, some of whom also become perpetrators, keeping the seemingly never ending vicious cycle going.

Only if everyone owns gold and/or silver can they be stopped.

Then their paper "money" turns into toilet paper as Max Keiser has said repeatedly.

Please put out more videos to impress the ratings obsessed tv networks, giving Max a chance to get on their evening news shows watched by tens of millions.

Sunday, January 9, 2011



1. Buy, talk or blog about silver.

2. Talk or blog about max keiser and

3. Do a daily video with CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER somewhere in the title.

4. Visit

Saturday, January 8, 2011



1. The mainstream media has done its job convincing most Americans that there are two political party choices that are profoundly different and evoke extreme emotions. We must break into the mainstream by doing daily videos to help get higher ratings for Max. The networks love high ratings.

2. Not only does the "elected" and appointed part of government take the heat for the banksters and their corporate pals, but sometimes specific "elected" officials take the fire, although seldom literally. Usually they have to or choose to leave office and go work for the banks or others that have been underwriting them. Often the politicians and appointees are replaced by former banksters or their inner circle.





Friday, January 7, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011



I don't think Jeff Nielson is clueless. He mentions "threat" and "consequences" twice in his 1-4-2011 article accessible from For me though, the real question is the consequences for most Earthlings of not carrying on with crashing the Morgue. The U.S. began a revolution in the 1960's and this created an incredible backlash from the bankerment, who doesn't want any kind of revolution, especially a political one, the next step after sexism, racism and classism is reduced. Below is part of the article and I hope you and/or others with comments can help me to understand which is worse, making risky choices now or having no choices later after the twin eco-eco (economic-ecological) meltdown:


In this respect, we must look at the now-famous internet "campaign"by Max Keiser and friends/allies to "take down JP Morgan" (JPM) as a two-edged sword. I would (will) undoubtedly be one of those cheering the loudest on the day that this odious Oligarch is forced into bankruptcy. However, a blatant and direct "threat" to bring down arguably the single most-important financial institution in the entire US economy may be viewed by the US government as both "an economic threat" and as a "threat to national security."

We need only look to Afghanistan and Iraq for examples of the extremes to which the US government will go under the pretext of "national security." Compared to its global military rampage, confiscating any/all of the silver it could lay it hands on would be nothing more than a minor "footnote" to current events.

In this respect, Bullion Bulls Canada has not joined the growing internet clamor to "take down JP Morgan." We will certainly monitor this important grassroots movement, but our own policy is not to engage in active promotion of this campaign. To those parties who are actively crusading on this issue, I would hope that they would take the time to seriously evaluate the consequences of their actions.

"Taking down" one of the most notorious banking oligarchies in the history of humanity may be (is?) a noble goal. However, as individuals laughingly parrot the phrase "let's take down JP Morgan," it's important that people realize that this is not some "internet browser game" but real life, with real consequences.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

gold & silver down so bankerment selling them, risking running out CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER

gold & silver down so bankerment selling them, risking running out CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER

Just like their interest rates have gone to zero so can their gold and silver stash, especially if we the people of the world buy and hold more and more.

There could be so little left in the marketplace that the prices of gold and silver could approach six digits as the dollar deficit approaches higher and higher fourteen digit figures!

Monday, January 3, 2011



The amount of gold is increasing at a very slow rate, so its approximate total supply is well known.

The amount of most other things currency increase and/or decrease at varying rates.

Sellers of non-necessities start with high prices to test:
* supply.
* demand.
* the amount of currency in the market.

Sellers of necessities start with high prices to test:
* supply.
* the amount of currency in the market.

Sellers of gold start with high prices to test:
* the amount of currency in the market.

And this is what scares the bankers and causes them to TRY to manipulate gold prices to keep them low and hide the over printing of fiat currency. But they always fail, sooner or later, because hyperinflation always results, sooner or later, and it can't be hidden.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

WE WERE NEVER OFF THE GOLD STD crash jp morgan buy silver

WE WERE NEVER OFF THE GOLD STD crash jp morgan buy silver

It just came to me. I've been suffering severe fatigue and depression all day, which always means my mind is working on something subconsciously.

We have been on the gold standard since barter proved to be too cumbersome and since gold was first used as money since it was always rare, durable and liquid.

It's just that most of us are too busy with our lives to have the time to pay much attention to gold. And bankers and governments and banker-governments, like that in the U.S., want to keep us busy not paying enough attention to gold. They want us to work away from or at home, then watch television or have fun on the internet.

Furthermore, they hide that they're printing too much fiat currency by manipulating the gold and silver markets, and controlling the media as much as they can. Thus, we hear about the price of gold in dollars instead of the value of the dollar in gold.

The headline in the Wall Street Journal at the end of 2010 should have been "Dollar falls in purchasing power to a new low of about 1/1400th of an ounce of gold", instead of something like "Gold reaches new high".

As long as people in the developed countries were doing all right, very few people noticed what was really happening.

In the past when things went wrong,it was mostly politicians who took the hit, knowing they could work for the banks, etc. after they were voted out if they just kept their mouths shut. Sometimes of course they were allowed to scapegoat someone else, like other countries, easily identifiable social group or frequently the voters for over-consuming after billions of dollars were spent by advertisers to get voters to buy too many things from the big corporations who had to get bigger profits each quarter, no matter what the cost to the country or the world.

Well now that things have gone terribly wrong, people in other countries and even some people in the U.S. are beginning to notice not only the lack of value of the dollar but that most of the dollars created were not used to make the U.S. more productive or increase exports. China overprinted its currency too, but to boost exports, and it puts fifty per cent of what it produces into becoming more productive. In the U.S. the top one percent is headed towards having twenty-five per cent of all the wealth. And they take their dollars and invest them where they can get the highest profits, even though it destroyed some underdeveloped countries in the past and has now destroyed much of Europe and most of the U.S.