#84 fr fixed to var rate gold std
All we did in 1971 was go from a fixed rate gold standard that wasn't manipulated to a variable rate gold standard that was and still is.
We could have chosen to stay at 1/35 ounce of gold per dollar but that would have made manipulation more difficult since derivatives couldn't be used. I don't even want to speculate how manipulation could have been done on a fixed gold standard because I don't want to give anybody any ideas.
So again I repeat, for the third time, we never went off the gold standard because we can't, it's almost a law of nature. We just went from one kind to another making possible flooding the market with gold bought with deficit spending or manufactured out of thin air with fake computer generated sells that appeared and then disappeared, and then selling short.
Once we flush all the whackos out of the system and into mental institutions for the criminally insane we must still use a variable gold standard, but one that is approved by the people in a referendum when the government is convinced that more or less fiat currency is needed to optimize the economy.
That's how important this is. Instead of a fixed referendum every 2 years, we must have variable referendums whenever they're needed, opening, by the way, the door to direct democracy.
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