#73 overpopulation worst supply & demand issue
We need to have fewer children worldwide until the total population at least levels off.
Hello, China, with the most people, is running out of water, what a surprise, regardless of China's terrain.
This message needs to be passed on in all ways and in all languages.
Positive results will be immediate, with less resources needed for young families and older families that help young families, and vice versa.
In the long run there will be more demand for labor as its numbers drop.
Taking it to the extreme, if there was just Jamie Dimon and me in the world, I would keep him on a short leash, literally.
It's easier to control the sociopaths when there's less of them, even if there's less of everybody else.
The biggest obstacle is the argument to have many children to be taken care of in old age.
But the problems caused by too many people worldwide is far worse then the problems of elderly parents, who can't expect much from their children who are overworked and/or half-starved and/or ill from the toll overpopulation is taking on the environment.
So, message to the world, buy silver and have fewer children.
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