#82 doctors: use your pwr to ck out big bankers CRASH JP MORGAN BUY silVer
Doctors, I know you're doing ok financially, but how many of you made $44,000,000+ like CEO Jamie Dimon of J. P. Morgan?
You have the power to take people like "little" Jamie off the streets.
More and more people think these bankers are psychopaths and/or socipaths who should have the responsibilities of pre-kindergarden children.
There are even internet sites about it:
http://www.activistpost.com/2011/01/pathocracy-tyranny-at-hand-of.html and http://www.hare.org/ and http://tamagawariver.blogspot.com/2010/01/psychopath-mri-lets-see-scan.html.
A frequent maxkeiser.com commenter turned me onto these sites. Refer to: http://maxkeiser.com/2011/01/25/trading-bots-on-nyse-are-algorithmically-exhausted-difficulty-in-manipulating-price-gains-getting-virtually-impossible/#comments
where he said:
People not math inclined, knowing little about economics, and how fraud is committed without getting caught, can be overwhelmed by details. The details can also hide the cause of the crises. PSYCHOPATHS!
People need to go after the psychopaths! Everything else is secondary. Mental health professionals can reveal them. Technology advances can actually reveal them and measure the dysfunction in their brain functions compared to healthy people. They can be removed from their positions in the central banks, governments, and finance. They can be isolated. Treated. Do this, and the insanity in the world STOPS! Not years later, but immediately.
“..organizations can become infested with psychopathic personality types who, if given the proper amount of time and growing conditions, will busily fill all positions of power within it. In the case of governments, what emerges is defined as a pathocracy: tyranny at the hand of psychopaths. Lobaczewski defined governance by a pathocracy as a macrosocial disease, something unhealthy and brutally deadly if untreated.”
Alex Jones started the You Are the Resistance, V for Victory, Against the Occupation.
But he is leaving out the catrch phrase that brings it all together.
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