#115 why so many u.s. citizens in denial CRASH JP MORGAN BUY silVer
The u.s. works for the majority of healthy but unquestioning people raised by healthy but unquestioning parents.
But good luck if you are unhealthy and/or questioning and were raised by parents who were unhealthy and/or questioning.
The move to the suburbs has isolated many of those in denial from the realities of the large minority who don't fit the mold, especially those that are unhealthy and/or had unhealthy parents.
As for the few who question what's going on, I for one run into so many people in denial who just don't get it and won't until a second stock market crash, higher unemployment, lower wages, less benefits and hyperinflation all kick in at about the same time, assuming I'm following maxkeiser.com and other sites correctly.
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