Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Please someone tell me how gold and silver can go up if our corporations invest mostly overseas

Please someone tell me how gold and silver can go up if our corporations invest mostly overseas.

I know a lot of money is being printed by the Fed and loaned to the Treasury who gives much of it to the wealthiest people who invest in corporations that invest almost entirely overseas.

Some money, of course, gets spent on food and energy, thus the inflation there due to circulation (velocity).

But mostly the money is being exported.

I know gold and silver have gone up dramatically in the last ten years, but still a lot of gold and silver are sold to keep the lid on gold and silver prices to mask the deficit and help the biggest commercial banks who sell short.

Will the overseas companies and governments getting our investment money stop taking it when they see our money is becoming worthless due to our deficit spending, or will they wait to make sure it's worthless when gold and silver go through the roof followed by the biggest commercial banks crashing?

Please help me to answer these questions.

Thank you.

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